The Board's committees
The Board’s overarching responsibility cannot be delegated. However, it has appointed committees to monitor, prepare and evaluate issues within their respective areas for resolution by the Board.
The Remuneration and Sustainability Committee
The Board’s Remuneration and Sustainability Committee verifies that remuneration systems in the bank generally conform to effective risk management and are designed to reduce the risk of excessive risk-taking. Decisions are taken by the Board. In addition, the committee shall assist the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities concerning sustainability, including strategy, operating model, reporting, and steering documents.
Remuneration and Sustainability Committee members
Göran Persson (Chair)
Anna Mossberg
Biljana Pehrsson
Helena Liljedahl
The Risk and Capital Committee
The Board ensures that routines are in place to identify and define risks relating to business activities as well as to measure and control risk-taking. The Board’s Risk and Capital Committee supports the Board in this work, although the Board still has ultimate responsibility for the bank’s risk taking and assessing its capital requirements.
The Committee covers the following areas:
- Market risk
- Credit risk
- Liquidity and funding (e.g. limits on liquidity risk)
- Capital (e.g. monitoring the capital base, risk-weighted assets and governance models)
Risk and Capital Committee members
Per Olof Nyman (Chair)
Göran Persson
Göran Bengtsson
Kerstin Hermansson
Biörn Riese
The CEO is not a member of the committee but normally attends its meetings, as do the CFO and CRO.
The Audit Committee
The Audit Committee, through its work and in consultation with the external Auditor, the Head of Internal Audit and the Group Executive Committee, provides the Board with access to information on business activities. Its purpose is to identify any deficiencies in routines and the organisation in terms of governance, risk management and control.
The Audit Committee also reviews the work of the internal and external auditors to ensure that it has been conducted effectively, impartially and satisfactorily.
Audit Committee members
Kerstin Hermansson (Chair)
Biljana Pehrsson
Anna Mossberg
Annika Creutzer
Per Olof Nyman
The Head of Internal Audit is a co-opted member of the committee.
Read about the Board's Committees in the Corporate governance report
The Governance Committee
The Governance Committee assists the Board of Directors in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities in relation to the overall approach to corporate governance of the Bank and its subsidiaries. The Governance Committee submits recommendations to the Board for decision.
Governance Committee members
Biörn Riese (Chair)
Hans Eckerström
Per Olof Nyman
Göran Persson