The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors has overarching responsibility for managing Swedbank’s affairs in the best interests of the bank and its shareholders. This is to be done sustainably with a focus on the customer and sound risk-taking to ensure the bank’s long-term survival and instil confidence amongst the bank’s stakeholders.

The Board consists of ten members elected by the AGM for one year. It also includes two employee representatives and their deputies in accordance with special agreements with the Financial Sector Union of Sweden and Akademikerföreningen.

The Board’s responsibilities and delegation of responsibilities

The Board sets financial goals and strategies; appoints, dismisses and evaluates the CEO; ensures that effective systems are in place to monitor and control operations, and that laws and regulations are followed; and ensures that the information released is transparent and accurate.

The overarching responsibility of the Board cannot be delegated. On the other hand, the Board has committees that monitor, prepare and evaluate issues within their respective areas for resolution by the Board:

  • Risk & Capital Committee
  • Remuneration and Sustainability Committee
  • Audit Committee
  • Governance Committee

Director independence

The Board meets the requirements of the Code with respect to its members’ independence. All Board members, except Göran Bengtsson, are considered independent in relation to the bank and the bank’s management. All Board members are considered to be independent in relation to the bank’s major shareholders.