Important events in Swedbank's history

Children and adults in the garden having a fika.
Table with important events in our history
The first Swedish savings bank is founded in Gothenburg.
The first Swedish agricultural cooperative bank is founded in Stockholm.
1942Sparbankernas Bank ("The Savings Banks' Bank") is established as the various savings banks' central bank.
1958Jordbrukets Bank (The Bank of Agriculture) is established as the farming cooperative credit societies' central bank.
1991Twelve regional agricultural cooperative banks merge to form Föreningsbanken.
1991Hansabank is founded in Estonia.
1991Swedbank establishes an international office in New York, USA, serving corporates and financial institutions with a wide range of products and services within Debt Capital Markets. 
1992A merger takes place between 11 regional savings banks, forming Sparbanken Sverige.
1994Föreningsbanken is listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange.
1995Hansabank starts operations in Latvia.
1996Hansabank acquires 100% of Deutsche-Lettische Bank in Latvia.
1996Hansabank starts operations in Lithuania.
1997FöreningsSparbanken is formed through a merger between Sparbanken Sverige and Föreningsbanken.
1997Hansabank acquires a stake in Hoiupank.
1999Swedbank acquires more than 50% of Hansabank.
1999Swedbank opens an international branch in Oslo, Norway, offering a wide range of products and services within financing and investment to corporates and organisations. 
2001Swedbank establishes an international branch in Shanghai, China, which works as a house bank for corporate clients, offering trade finance, FX, treasury and other services.
2002Hansabank starts operations in Russia.
2004Hansabank acquires Kvest bank in Moscow.
2005Swedbank acquires 100% of Hansabank.
2005Swedbank opens an international office in Helsinki, Finland, which provides high-quality banking services for corporates doing business or trading with Finland.
2006The Annual General Meeting resolves to change the bank's name to Swedbank.
2007Swedbank enters Ukraine through the acquisition of TAS-Kommerzbank (“TAS”).
2008Hansabank starts the process of changing its name to Swedbank in the three Baltic countries.
2013Swedbank discontinues operations in Russia, and its subsidiary in Ukraine is sold.
2020Two hundred years have passed since the first savings bank opened its doors.