Our logotype
Our logotype is one of our most valuable assets and the main identity carrier of the Swedbank identity. That’s why it needs to be handled with care.
- The use of our logotype must always be approved by us
- Never change or manipulate the logotype in any way
- Our logotype should appear big and proud, so don’t make it too small
- Make sure there is enough free space around the logotype
- Our logotype should preferably be placed on a white background
Our logotype consists of a wordmark together with our symbol. It is available in two versions:
1. Primary: Positive with an orange wordmark
2. Secondary: Negative with a white wordmark
Use our primary logotype when possible.
How to place the logotype
When you place the logotype, make sure there is some free space around it to ensure good visibility and to avoid a cluttered feel. Avoid placing text or other objects close to the logotype.
If you have limited possibilities to give the logotype appropriate space, the rule of thumb is that the free space around the logotype never should be less than half of the height of the symbol.
Joint logotype for Swedbank and the Savings banks
The main rule is to always use the correct logotype, that is each bank's own logotype as the sender in any communication. When that is not possible, the Symbol (without “since 1820”) can be used as joint sender.
If you have limited possibilities to give the logotype appropriate space, the rule of thumb is that the free space around the logotype never should be less than half of the height of the symbol.

When referring in text to the collaboration between a savings bank and Swedbank, the expression "Swedbank och Sparbankerna" is used. Sparbankerna is written with capital "S".
Placing several logotypes together
When our logotype is presented together with other logotypes, for example when displaying financing or payment options, we strive for a balanced impression even though the logotypes may have very different shapes.
There are specific rules for how to use our logotype in collaborations, events and sponsorships.
Our logotype is available for download in the following formats: svg, ai, pdf and png.
Joint logotype for Swedbank and the Savings banks: “the Symbol” (zip)
If you have questions about how to use our logotype or need approval to use it, please contact: