Get access to Swedbank Gateway (ERP) API

To be able to go live with Swedbank Gateway APIs, here are five steps you need to take. If you have any issues along the road, don't hesitate to contact us.

  1. Step 1

    Register in the Swedbank Developer portal if you have not done so already.

  2. Step 2

    Go through the Swedbank Gateway API documentation (which you will be able to see after you log into the Developer Portal) and/or Swedbank Gateway Sandbox API documentation (if you first want to test).

  3. Step 3

    Apply for Gateway service and sign agreement with bank. Obtain the TLS certificate by following the instructions and rules mentioned in the technical description Documentation Portal.

    Swedbank accepts TLS version 1.2 or higher relying on security levels defined by QWAC (Qualified Website Authentication Certificate)

    You can find all information about certificates here.

  4. Step 4

    Register Application: Manage > Applications > Add application.

    Register your company: Application name (write company name).

    Add e-mail and upload production TLS certificate: Overview > Custom fields > Contact info > QWAC certificate:

    Certificate details must be inserted precisely (without spaces)

    Use ONLY production certificate that issued by Swedbank or other CA

    Use END certificate, not full root certificate 

    Add needed API in the SAME application: APIs > Add API > Filter > SGW 

    For production purpose add SGW API 

    For testing purposes add SGW Sandbox

    Create API KEY: 

    Key Overview > Key: combination of any letter and number (e.g. test12345)

    Fill in Scope: SGW

    Type: Confidential

    Submit by pressing: Create > Publish


    You will receive an API KEY which will be used as client identification for SGW sessions.

    Copy API KEY information and store it in safe place.

  5. Step 5

    Send an email confirming that you have registered in the development portal and that you have completed all the steps successfully.


    Required information: Company name, API KEY(Client ID), Application name

    Get confirmation from the bank that SGW API is enabled.

  6. Step 6

    Start development.