Credit Policy

Swedbank’s Credit Policy shall ensure that credit is provided in a sustainably sound manner based on an awareness of customers, their operations, environment and prospects.

Credit Policy


Swedbank's Credit Policy applies for Swedbank AB and all subsidiaries licensed as credit institutions.

The policy in brief

Swedbank’s Credit Policy shall ensure that credit is provided in a sustainably sound manner based on an awareness of customers, their operations, environment and prospects.

Beyond key issues of confidence in the customer, an understanding of the transaction and the assumption of risk, the policy also stresses the Group’s indirect social responsibility for the environment and sustainability in connection with credit assessment. Consequently, sustainability issues, for example, are dealt with based on a risk-focused sustainability analysis intended to minimise the sustainability risks that could negatively affect a customer’s undertaking towards the bank.

The cornerstones upon which the policy is based include the following:

  • An analysis of the customer’s financial position and repayment capacity
  • An understanding of the transaction
  • Business acumen
  • Balanced assumption of risk
  • Sustainable profitability
  • Regard for the environment and a high ethical standard

The Credit Policy creates the conditions necessary for the sustainably sound provision of credit. Swedbank seeks to maintain a low risk profile and a well-diversified, high-quality credit portfolio. The Credit Policy is clarified and made concrete through detailed instructions and guidelines.