Social data

This is a sample of Swedbank's social data. For complete results reporting, download the ESG Factbook.

Internal training
Total number of training hours543 885452 216497 490
Training hours per full-time employee (average FTE)302932
Training programmes in Ethics (number)17 28116 65016593
Training programmes in Sustainability incl. Climate (number) 4 8194 6477 636
Training programmes in Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (number) 17 86117 03917 625
Number of advisors with SwedSec license4 2223 9523 976
Number of employees who completed the Annual Knowledge Update (ÅKU)6 1705 9346 298


Employee survey, index
Sustainable Employee Index868585
Engagement Index
Recommendation Index
Leadership Index878686


Gender distribution: Managers, Group Executive Committee and Board of Directors
All employees61%39%62%38%62%38%
Swedbank’s Board of Directors45%55%42%58%36%64%
Group Executive Committee incl. CEO40%60%33%67%33%67%
Group Executive Committee and their respective management teams46%54%46%54%48%52%
Boards of Directors in the entire Group incl. subsidiaries41%59%42%58%39%61%
Senior executives in the entire Group incl. subsidiaries38%62%34%66%51%49%
Management positions56%44%56%44%56%44%
Gender equality and diversity
Rate of employee turnover by gender, Men11%13%11.5%
Rate of employee turnover by gender, Women10%12%9.7%
Wage difference: women vs. men, management positions, by country-27%-30%-29%
Wage difference: women vs. men, specialists, by country, Group Total-28%-30%-31%
Sustainable employees
Sick leave Sweden3.4%3.9%3.6%
Sick leave Estonia2.1%2.8%2.7%
Sick leave Latvia3.1%3.9%3.2%
Sick leave Lithuania1.5%1.8%1.6%
Sick leave Group2.9%3.4%3.2%
Long-term healthy employees73.1%63.9%67.5%
Percentage of employees with collective or local agreement or covered by labour law: Sweden100%100%100%
Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements (100% in Sweden and Lithuania)58%57%58%

Parental leave contributions